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A member registered Sep 24, 2022

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Um.. took a while to figure you could upgrade the camp (simply never thought of it)... well, upgraded the first level (the cheap one).. want to upgrade the second level, which costs 1900.. um.. have the funds.. but button is opaque/unavailable.. are there other conditions? and if so, couldn't it be made more obvious in the interface (or elsewhere in game?)

Couldn't even get past (via browser playing) the first frame..  Setting the Video to 1, and all mouse sensitivies to 1, movement was jumping from one place (move mouse one bit) to someplace wayyyy further. Along with zooming, could only be all the way zoomed in, or seeing the entire town..nothing between.... is the downloaded version easier to control, or still like riding a wild bull and hoping it behaves? (and this was just in the Tutorial)